Goldenrose Gardens is a small homestead of nature and art-loving humans who craft traditional herbal remedies from seed to bottle.

The heart of our work is connection to the land, to the plants + to our community. Goldenrose Gardens has been co-creating herbal formulas for our friends and neighbors since 2007 under different names. In 2020, we leased an additional half acre of land to cultivate the majority of the ingredients in our products.

As a family-run business, we strive to work in such a way that we ourselves can be medicine in the world. Therefore, we follow organic, regenerative principles and practice reciprocal wildcrafting. We welcome any questions regarding our growing and gathering practices. We are fortunate to live and work in beautiful Hardwick, VT, unceded Abenaki Homelands.

Our small batch apothecary is informed by years of study, personal use and clinical experience. It is an honor and joy to share these beloved remedies with you. May they serve you well!

Reaching for the sky while we tend the land.